The blobfish, which was once recognized as the "ugliest animal" in the world, won the competition and became the fish of the year (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
22 March 2025

Experts say that the blobfish can live up to 130 years, and is also considered a devoted parent.

This year, the competition, which has been held by the Mountains to Sea conservation foundation since 2020, received the largest number of applications - 5,583. The blobfish received 1,286 votes, beating the Atlantic bighead by a wide margin (300 votes). Other contenders for the title included the New Zealand longfin eel, the pygmy seahorse, the endangered mudskipper, as well as sharks and rays.

The blobfish gained worldwide fame over a decade ago when it was photographed by a crew member of a New Zealand research vessel, and soon became the subject of numerous memes. In 2013, the blobfish was named the "ugliest animal" in the world.

It lives in the deep waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and has a unique anatomy. The fish lacks a swim bladder, a full skeleton, muscles and scales. And its body is made of a special tissue with a density lower than that of water, which allows it to float above the seabed.

According to a representative of the Mountains to Sea foundation, the blobfish grows and moves slowly. At the same time, it can live up to 130 years. Representatives of this species are also considered devoted parents: the female lays up to 100 thousand eggs in one nest and protects it until the offspring are born.

Water pressure gives the blobfish the shape of a normal, albeit convex, fish, but at depth, the species can resemble a “failed medical experiment,” experts say.

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