The Akhal-Teke breed dates back more than 5 thousand years. She was taken out on the territory of Turkmenistan. This breed belongs to the genus of ancient, purebred and reference breeds that influenced all other breeds.
There are many common breeds: black, bay, gray, etc. More rare species are: isabella, dun, karak, etc. Their distinctive feature is considered to be the light golden sheen of their fur.
Representatives of the Akhal-Teke breed are excellent horses. They are recognized as one of the fastest horses.
Every year in Turkmenistan there is a celebration - Horse Day. This is the day when the competition among Akhal-Teke horses takes place. Many cities have monuments to these beauties. This breed also adorns the coat of arms, money and postage stamps of Turkmenistan. This breed of horse is the pride of the country.