Many designers, when creating various items, first pay attention to their appearance, and only then think about convenience. As a result, consumers often wonder: what were these bad designers thinking?
The fasteners on this pillow are very dangerous for the eyes
"The menu is not really old - it's just a unique design"
It is impossible to see the amount because of the background image of the ATM commissions
"Our office bathroom has the most inconvenient sink. Did anyone look at it and think, "Oh, it looks cool"?
"The socks have the logo on the sole, which makes them hard to walk in impossible"
"This is what I look like in the mirror of my hotel room"
"I tried using this mouse, it's not at all convenient. Who designed it anyway?"
"The frying pan handle is heavier than the frying pan itself"
"These wax candles are poured into plastic cups"
"Our duvet cover has African animals on it. What's a kangaroo doing there?"
"The hands of this wall clock are black"
"And how can I hold this in my hands, who can tell me?"
"In our city, they are installing these "smart" public transport stops that do not protect at all from rain"
"Hotel rooms are locked with key cards, and they don't fit in a wallet"
"Mom bought this toy for my little sister"
"Whoever came up with this chandelier clearly doesn't like people"
"Look at this napkin holder!"
"This is what a bench looks like after a heavy rain"