"How to unsee it?" selection of designer fails (15 photos)

10 February 2023

Good design makes our life brighter, more interesting and more comfortable. But some unfortunate designers do exactly the opposite. Their creations I want to "unsee" as soon as possible. Let's take a look at these designer fails.

The curtains in the hotel room look like they have blood stains on them.

These bathroom mirrors turn even shaving into a game of Tetris

A horse with eyes located in front of the head. Looks creepy

A small box for decoration and all sorts of nonsense. Now she will eat you

One of the drawers in my doctor's office that always annoys me.

massage slide

Faucet at my friend's house. How to use it?

That very moment when you love to be creative in literally everything

Whoever designed this soup bowl has never eaten soup before!

Notepad in the shape of the letter "E". And how to use it?

Door knockers located on the glass. I wonder if someone wants to knock on the door?

When there is not enough space, but you still want to put a window

This playground was built in a pit. Because of this, it constantly fills with water after rain.

When the faucet was a little oversized

Table with hooves

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