16 People “Bragged” Online about the Condition Airlines Returned Their Items to Them After Flights (18 photos)

Category: Aviation, Fun, PEGI 0+
Today, 13:13

There is a certain romance to air travel. It seems that nothing can spoil the anticipation of an upcoming trip. However, some airlines successfully cope with this task with flying colors. When collecting their luggage, “lucky” travelers risk encountering various unpleasant surprises.

See what happened to my husband's things somewhere between Manchester and Colombo

My uncle's suitcase after flight

Did the plane land or was the suitcase just thrown off it?

I feel so sorry for the owner of this suitcase

Laptop hit by luggage cart at airport

After the flight, my things were completely destroyed

What the hell? Did they hang it on the wing or something?

I wonder what you had to do to the suitcase to break it and both zippers?

Forgot someone's luggage

One of the baggage handlers threw a suitcase so hard that a piece of the plastic casing and a wheel broke off

And you still have to pay for this kind of treatment of luggage

Why does my suitcase look like it was beaten up by football hooligans?

Video games disappeared after the flight

It looks like someone bit off a whole chunk of the bag

The viola da gamba did not survive the 17th century flight

Look at the state my 17th century instrument was returned to me in after I was convinced it would be carried on board the plane by hand: it looks like it was run over by a car.

The aftermath of a very "careful" inspection

Lost your luggage? Maybe it got lost in an airport trash bin?

This is my luggage, and for some reason it's not on the plane

If luggage had feelings, imagine what it would think when it saw the plane take off.

Bonus: Where's my suitcase?

The Great Britain Olympic team landed at Heathrow Airport, London.

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