An American traveled more than 1,000 kilometers to burn down the house of his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend (5 photos + 1 video)

21 February 2025

Michigan resident Harrison Jones learned that his ex-girlfriend was planning to meet a man in Pennsylvania. The jealous 21-year-old drove more than 1,000 miles to Bensalem and set the man's home on fire, killing two dogs and injuring six people.

Bensalem firefighters and police responded to the scene early on the morning of February 10. By that time, six residents had already evacuated, several of whom had to jump from the second floor to escape. The victims were hospitalized.

Law enforcement officials suspected that the fire was not accidental and began studying the CCTV footage. It was not difficult to identify the culprit. In the footage, a black sedan drives past the house on Merganser Way. The man gets out of the car and heads towards the building, 15 minutes later he returns, and smoke billows behind him. Then there is a loud explosion, and the arsonist flees the scene.

Officers found the license plate of the sedan and determined it was a black 2021 Volkswagen Passat with a Michigan registration. The car belongs to 53-year-old Rockford resident Brian Jones, Harrison's father. Detectives tracked the sedan and saw that before the fire it was heading toward Bensalem and after the fire it was heading back to Rockford.

Everything started to fall into place when the 21-year-old man said he had a date planned with a girl from Michigan. They began a pen pal romance and she was planning to come to Pennsylvania. Police learned that the girl's ex-boyfriend was named Harrison Jones.

Detectives from Pennsylvania contacted the Kent County Sheriff's Office in Michigan, and officers obtained a search warrant for the vehicle. Inside, they found lock picking equipment, a cell phone, and a computer. Police say the suspect had burns on his hand.

Jones drove nearly 12 hours to commit the crime that nearly killed six people. He was arrested and is awaiting extradition to Pennsylvania.

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