The man tried to set fire to the house, but the flames spread to him (5 photos + 1 video)

17 June 2024

A resident of New Mexico, USA, intended to burn down the house of his ex-lover. However, the unfortunate arsonist himself cut off the fire.

The incident occurred in Albuquerque. Surveillance cameras captured how 46-year-old Artemio Sanchez-Ortega jumped over the gate of his ex-wife's house with a red can of gasoline on the night of May 24 and tried to set it on fire. The plan failed: the yard caught fire, and Sanchez-Ortega did not have time to jump back.

As the light from the fire faded and the camera focused, Artemio was hanging on the gate, engulfed in flames. Then he started to run.

Neighbor Daniel Provine, whose cameras captured the crime, said: "Instant payback for what he did, and it's even nice. It's just a shame he managed to get into the car and escape."

The suspect's ex and her children, who were in the house, were not injured. The woman told investigators that Artemio called her three times before the incident and he was drunk.

The fire appears to be severe in the footage, but it only damaged parked cars.

Sanchez-Ortega is still on the run.

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