The prisoner spent 26 years 100 meters from his house (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
22 May 2024

Omar bin Omran, who disappeared at the age of 19 in 1998, has been found in Algeria. A neighbor held him, intimidating him with a magic spell.

The 45-year-old man was found under a sheep pen last Sunday. According to the Djelfa Prosecutor General's Office, the kidnapper, a 61-year-old neighbor, was taken into custody.

The criminal's brother told investigators about the prisoner when a dispute over inheritance broke out in the family.

The National Gendarmerie resumed the investigation and searched the suspect's home. The prisoner was found in the basement.

The victim is receiving medical and psychological assistance, and his tormentor will stand trial for a heinous crime. He is also accused of killing a pet: after his disappearance, Omar’s dog ran to a neighbor’s house for a month and was poisoned.

The family believed that Omar died during the civil war in the country, but the mother felt in her heart that her son was alive. Unfortunately, the woman died in 2013.

Her last wish: "Please don't stop searching for Omar. I'm sure he's alive."

The prisoner told his relatives that he sometimes saw them through the window in the kidnapper’s house, but could not call for help, as if he was under a spell.

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