The dog led rescuers to his owner, who was lost in the desert (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
12 January 2023

Dogs are often called man's best friend for a reason. They are not just friends, but true companions, and sometimes lifeguards. Recently a dog named Palomo saved his elderly owner, who got lost in desert.

November 27, 84-year-old Mexican Gregorio Romero left the his home in Moctezuma for a walk, but did not return. Relatives first the men were not worried, as he often leaves for the villages nearby. But four days later, the Romero family turned to the police, and in order to search grandfathers gathered a group.

People searched the surroundings of the man's house, but they never found him. Unexpectedly, the old man's dog, Palomo, helped the rescuers. The one appeared in front of them not far from the house, and led the whole group towards the hills. Through hills and ravines, the dog led a group of rescuers to the place where his owner was. It turned out that the man got lost in a small desert, and for several days he did not I could find my way back home.

Romero's niece told authorities that he sometimes there are memory problems due to age, but this has not happened never. The man was taken to the hospital, where he spent two days, and then returned home. Palomo was happy to have his master back from hospital, he had been waiting for him all this time. So, thanks to the faithful dog, This man has been rescued!

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