A man knelt all night in front of the office of his lover who rejected him (2 photos)

Resident of Dazhou City of China, Sichuan Province, knelt all night in the rain in front of the office of the one who rejected him beloved in the hope that she will return to him.

A man with a large bouquet of roses at 13:00 on March 28 came to office of his beloved and knelt down in the hope of regaining her favor. Passers-by and local residents urged the man to stop trying, but he didn't give up.

Passers-by reported the man's actions to the police. Law enforcement officials also tried to convince the Chinese leave your post. "He said the girl left him for a few days back. He wants to ask her forgiveness and hopes that she will agree to meet with him,” said one of the policemen. When law enforcement officers tried to take the man away, he said: “This is illegal, kneel here? If it doesn't break the law, please leave me alone".

The man was on his knees in the rain until 10:00 next day. In total, he spent 21 hours in this position, after which gone. An eyewitness named Lee suggested that the man only surrendered when the cold became unbearable. Throughout the entire time the Chinese man was on his knees, his former lover did not appear anywhere.

The news of the man's act went viral in China social networks. “A person who goes to such extremes is terrible,” wrote one from users. “Girl, stay away from him,” he advised former lover of a man, the author of another comment. "Love can't to beg,” another person expressed his opinion.

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