The neural network generated a photo of a spectacular fashion show with older models (24 photos)

Category: Fashion, PEGI 0+
18 February 2023

Art allows us to depict the world in which we would like to live, and neural networks are increasingly helping with these. Although AI art is now is the subject of heated debate, it has uses that allows artists to experiment and overcome obsolete barriers. Thus, the Nigerian director and artist Malik Afegbua used neural network to depict a colorful and spectacular fashion show for the elderly of people.

"I'm into fashion and I've always liked experiment,” explains Afeghbois. — I wanted to mix the traditional African Nigerian fashion with something futuristic, something Afro-futuristic." The characters in his Senior Fashion Show series are dressed in outfits that combine prints, patterns and luxurious materials.

With these works, Afegbois challenges the old traditions of our society - conventions that dictate older people to step back plan. In the eyes of Afeghbois, they become stars. "I've never seen fashion shows for the elderly, but they [people] exist - so why not No?"

Although a fashion show involving the elderly and for the elderly may indeed be just around the corner - after all, the fashion industry is already changing — this series of works encourages people to start thinking differently. "What if, - formulated the message of Afegbois, “are we going to go the other way?”

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