In Britain, children stole a police car (4 photos + 1 video)

18 April 2024

In Kirkholt, Rochdale, a police officer abandoned his vehicle and chased a suspect. Eyewitnesses filmed how the children got behind the wheel of a company BMW.

A car reverses down the sidewalk, then enters an alley, bounces off the curb, and returns to the road.

The video, published on Sunday, is called: "Children stole a police car."

Greater Manchester Police said they were aware of the footage and had already identified the child carjackers. The ages of the suspects were not reported.

“Someone decided to get into the car and behave in such an unacceptable manner, but now we are confident that we have identified the identities, action will be taken.”

The incident occurred after an officer got out of his car to arrest a man at a nearby store.

A 28-year-old British man was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, he had no license or insurance, and he resisted arrest. Moreover, he violated a court order.

A police car was found near the scene.

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