Miraculously escaped death: in Canada, a rat jumped out of the toilet and bit a man (2 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
9 April 2024

A 76-year-old Montreal resident went to the toilet and ended up in the hospital.

Metro reported about a man who ended up in the hospital after visiting the toilet. No signs of trouble. The man sat down on the toilet, from behind which a rat stuck out. Fortunately, the man managed to jump back and tried to pull the rodent out with his hands. The rat bit his finger and the man was sent to the hospital. There he was given a tetanus shot, the wound was treated and he was sent home.

However, two weeks later the injured man returned to the hospital.

He complained of high fever, headaches and abdominal pain for several days. It turned out that the bite of a street rat did not pass without a trace for him. Doctors hospitalized the man and discovered he had multiple organ dysfunction and sepsis, a dangerous condition in which an infection overloads the immune system. The man was miraculously saved.

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