A “curious” puppy started a house fire by accidentally turning on the stove in the middle of the night (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
11 July 2024

The owner of the house was able to put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived, but still ended up in the hospital.

The incident occurred in the early morning of June 26 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Colorado Springs Fire Department was dispatched to the scene at approximately 4:43 a.m. after receiving a call from a family reporting they had a fire, but were able to extinguish it relatively quickly.

"Engine 23 arrived on scene at 4:47 a.m. to a residence with no visible fire or smoke. Upon investigation, crews did not find an active fire, but did find evidence of a fire," the Colorado Springs Fire Department said in a statement on social media.

The homeowner was able to extinguish the fire before crews arrived, but he was later transported to a local hospital, authorities said. The man inhaled too much smoke. There were no other casualties.

“After speaking with the homeowners and reviewing surveillance footage, we learned that their puppy was curious and accidentally turned on the stove that had the boxes on it,” the Colorado Springs Fire Department said.

The footage shows the dog jumping up and putting its paws on the stove to reach the boxes located on top. Authorities believe that when she jumped down, she accidentally turned on the stove, causing a fire in the house.

The homeowners were immediately alerted and woken up by their Apple HomePod alerting them to a "high heat" alert and were able to get to the fire before it could spread throughout the house.

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