Exploded vape almost burned down the whole house (3 photos)

7 August 2023

A resident of the English village Kibblesworth recently almost lost home and wife sleeping on the second floor. And the reason for this is the vape left his daughter on the bedside table to recharge. Nobody can imagine could have such consequences!

Craig Sweeney, 42, traveled with his eldest daughter pick up younger children from school. When he returned, he found that in his house fire. The vape that my daughter left on the charger exploded. He fell from nightstands on the bed and it caught fire.

The father of the family had a terrible shock when he saw that happening. It’s also lucky that they didn’t go anywhere on the way from school. to call in as originally planned, but went straight home. And then might not make it!

Firefighters, fortunately, arrived quickly and were able to put out the fire. blazing flame. The door to the room was closed, which is also possible called the element of luck, otherwise the fire could spread around the house much stronger and faster.

When we got back my eldest went straight upstairs and, when she opened the door to her room, she screamed: “Dad, fire!”. I panicked. I kicked the kids and dogs out of the house, woke up my wife and turned off electricity.

I dread to imagine what would have happened if we hadn't returned on time. My wife slept upstairs in the next room, the fire could easy to spread.

Thank God my daughter closed that door so the dogs wouldn't entered her room, this prevented the spread of fire and smoke to the rest of the house.

Vapes use lithium-ion batteries, which can be very dangerous if used incorrectly. They are very prone to overheating and may cause a fire even if not connected to the mains.

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