A man in Pakistan attached a camera to his daughter’s head

22 September 2024

A caring father decided to protect his daughter in an unconventional way. He attached a camera to the girl’s head. The daughter doesn’t mind such care and even calls her father her “personal security guard”.

The unusual measure of protection from a caring parent has gone viral on social media. The girl was even invited to an interview with a local media outlet, where she was asked how she feels about such security measures. Spoiler: she has no objections to her father’s decision.

This act of protection, according to the daughter, was prompted by the recent tragedy in Karachi, where a woman died in a violent incident. Her parents, deeply concerned about her safety, came up with this innovative idea as a preventive measure.

But why is the camera so big? Couldn’t the father have bought a more compact version so that the girl wouldn’t have to bear it so much? We are unlikely to know the answer, but there is also some logic to such a large video camera: it can become a powerful shield against potential violence on the street.

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