Touching dance of the bride

19 October 2017

Everything was ready for the wedding of Andrea and her groom. But an unexpected catastrophe happened for the family. Andrea's father died unexpectedly of cancer. This sad news affected all family members, and especially Andrea. After all, she so wanted her dad to be there on that most important day in her life. Now he won't be able to see his daughter walk down the aisle, nor will he be able to dance the traditional father-daughter dance with her.

Andrea's brother knew how important it was for his sister to have her father at the wedding. He decided to find a way out of such a sad situation. He came up with a plan that Andrea only found out about on her wedding day.

Since Andrea's dance with her father could not take place due to his death, her brother decided to leave this dance in the wedding program. He pushed ahead with his plan, knowing how much his sister wanted it.

Andrea's brother created the perfect soundtrack and song for the occasion, pouring his heart and soul into it. When her brother announced the father-daughter dance, Andrea didn't know how to react. But soon everything fell into place. During the dance, all the closest and most significant family members came up to Andrea and danced with her in turn. Who were able to temporarily take her father’s place in this dance. Everyone present at the wedding and Andrea herself could not hold back their tears.

It was so touching. Impossible to describe in words.

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