The son fulfilled his father's dream 65 years ago (5 photos)

28 September 2017

Charlie Marvin Green believed all his life that fate had treated him unfairly when, at the age of 16, he was deceived from his beloved car. And now, 65 years later, his son Michael decided to surprise his father. He gave him the exact same 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air that Charlie had to part with more than half a century ago. To say that Charlie was happy means to seriously understate the storm of emotions that the pensioner experienced when he saw the car of his dreams!

81-year-old Charles Marvin Green has spent his entire life missing his first car, which his sister tricked him into depriving him of. He received his 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air as a gift when he turned 16. A couple of weeks later, his sister borrowed his car and went to California with her boyfriend. But the trip did not go well: on the way, the couple’s car broke down. It was expensive to repair it, and transporting it to its home state without repairs took a long time. So Charlie's sister and her friend, without thinking twice, sold the car. Upon learning of this, Green was absolutely crushed. According to him, if he had such an opportunity, he would drive to California himself and somehow bring his swallow home. But he was not given a chance: his sister hid the incident from him for a long time and reported it only when it was too late to do anything.

Knowing the loss Green experienced as a teenager, his son Michael decided to fulfill his father's greatest wish and return his dream car.

Once, when father and son went on business together, in one of the city parking lots they saw an exact copy of the Chevrolet Bel Air that Charlie Greene had lost 65 years earlier. Seeing him, Green was overwhelmed with feelings. He began to remember his favorite car and even took a photo next to the car - however, secretly, so that the real owner would not notice. Green had no idea that the real owner of the car was his son, and the car was bought specifically for him.

After an unexpected meeting with a Chevrolet that was like two peas in a pod like the car of his youth, Green began to reminisce about it and became seriously agitated. When he and his son arrived at the house, Charlie was amazed to see that the Chevrolet Bel Air, which he had noticed in the parking lot, was also approaching their house. However, amazement quickly gave way to understanding: the pensioner realized that the car was a gift to him from his son. The gift was handed over immediately. Green burst into tears in shock before hugging his son tightly.

Michael had already given his father a big surprise once. Having learned from Charlie’s blog that he was dreaming of his own home, Michael immediately bought his father a home. One can only dream of such filial love and care!

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4 October 2017
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