How the life of a poor old man changed because of one post on a social network (14 photos)

20 September 2017

A 71-year-old lonely old man in one of the districts of Bucharest lived in an almost destroyed house that did not have any amenities. The elderly man refused any requests to leave this place, because this is where he used to live with his wife, who died many years ago. A local blogger decided to tell about this story on his social network page, and it changed the old man’s life.

The man's name is Ion Negrila, he is an ordinary pensioner, very proud and at the same time very lonely. He had been grieving for many years after his wife's death, but now it was time to change his life for the better.

The blogger started collecting money on his page, and he and his friends managed to collect a little more than a thousand dollars. Since the old man refused to move, the new “home” came to him on its own.

The guys bought an old container and converted it into housing for the old man. Of course, this is not a “royal mansion” at all, but it’s still better than a dilapidated house. Local residents also came to the rescue, helping to arrange new housing and promising to help the old man with food in the future.

“Now he smiles a lot, much more than before. In fact, no one has ever seen a smile on his face before,” says one of the guys. "We do this to inspire other people to do the same."

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