Strange and Amazing Plants of Namibia (15 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

Namibia's rich biodiversity boasts a fascinating array of flora that ranges from the arid expanses of the Namib Desert to lush riverbed oases and rugged mountain ranges.

A large number of these botanical wonders are endemic to the country, having adapted to the country's challenging climate. This botanical treasure trove includes some of the most unusual and distinctive plants found only within Namibia.

Quiver tree

The quiver tree is one of the most famous representatives of the flora of Namibia. The indigenous people hollowed out the tubular branches of the tree and made quivers for their arrows from them. This is how the tree got its name.

The quiver is a succulent plant with strange leaves that resemble roots, making the tree appear upside down. According to local tradition, the tree brings good luck to anyone who worships and cares for it. It is even said that if you dig up the tree, diamonds can be found where it grows. Fortunately, since these trees are sacred, no one is eager to dig them up.

In southern Namibia, the Quiver tree grows in abundance. In the vicinity of the city of Keetmanshoop, there is a whole grove called the Quiver Tree Forest, which is a tourist attraction. The forest grew spontaneously, and the age of the tallest trees reaches three centuries. In 1995, the forest was declared a national monument of Namibia.

Elephant Trunk

Pachypodium namaquanum, also known as polmen or elephant trunk, is another succulent plant native to South Africa. The plant consists of a single stem up to three meters high and up to 30 centimeters in diameter (resembling an elephant's foot), topped with a rosette of leaves at the top. The entire trunk is densely covered with sharp thorns.

Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis grows only in the arid deserts of Namibia and Angola. The plant is unusual in its large, strap-like leaves that grow continuously along the ground. The plant produces only two leaves throughout its life, which often split into many ragged segments as the leaves flutter in the wind. Radiocarbon dating of the largest plants has shown that some are over 1,500 years old.

Welwitschia mirablilis grows extremely slowly and can reach a height of 1.5 meters above the ground, although most specimens do not exceed a meter in height. The leaves grow on average 8-15 centimeters per year. Thus, a thousand-year-old plant can produce up to 150 meters of leaf tissue, although leaves longer than 4-6 meters are rare in living plants, as their tips die and wither. Some of the largest specimens can reach 4 meters across.

The leaves of Welwitschia mirablilis are very thick, about 1.4 centimeters, which helps keep the soil beneath the plant cool and moist, which is essential for the plant's survival in the desert. Since rainfall in the area is irregular, the plant absorbs moisture from the fog that regularly forms over the desert at night when cold northern currents meet hot air coming from the Namib Desert. Due to its dependence on fog, the plant is rarely found more than 100 kilometers from the coast.

Euphorbia damarana

Euphorbia damarana has thin gray stems and grows in a tuft. It can grow up to 2.5 meters in height and secretes a poisonous milky sap. At the tips of the branches are yellow-brown capsules that appear during the fruiting period.

This plant is one of the most poisonous in Namibia. Its poisonous sap has been reported to kill animals and humans, with the exception of rhinoceroses and oryxes, which feed on it. The plant is said to be so poisonous that even a small open wound can be instantly killed by the poison if it comes into contact with the plant.

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