Why has not yet exterminated the manchineel - the "apple tree of death" (6 photos)

Category: Nature
23 December 2022

In Colombia and Mexico, in the Caribbean, you can meet a cute tree resembling an apple tree - sprawling, with green round fruits and the same similar foliage.

This cute plant is recognized as one of the most poisonous plants. in the world. Everything in it is poisonous, and more than one has a striking ability. components in the composition of the plant, and immediately a complex of toxins.

The Spaniards who colonized these places called the manchineel a tree. death and many Europeans mistook it for an apple tree and perished.

But the natives of the Caribbean have always bypassed the macinella side. But at one time they even learned to extract poison from it in order to lubricate the tips of spears and arrows. The entry of toxins from this plant into blood or esophagus is practically guaranteed death.

Today, in all tourist places on every tree manchineella you can see warning signs, and the perimeter around trees - fenced.

But this doesn't always help. Especially when the tree blossoms lush buds with a pleasant aroma. And the problem is not only that a person will die by eating the fruit or by ingesting the toxin. The plant can strike in other ways.

If you find yourself under the crown of a tree in the rain, then even drops flowing from the foliage are enough to hit a person.

The smell of flowers or smoke from burnt wood can make people suffocation and agony. That is why the manchineel cannot be destroyed even in tourist places, because it is not clear how to do it, because lumberjacks suffer from toxins when uprooting and sawing, falling on the skin and flying in the air. And when burning the whole area contaminated with toxic smoke.

But even if you are as safe as possible and try to cut down the manchineel, then its strongest roots, deep and wide extending from the trunk, allow sprouts to break through again and again.

Therefore, the locals simply decided to put up with her presence and decorate every tree with signs.

But even from this tree they could benefit. He has very high-quality and durable wood and furniture made from it will last a long time, because not a single pest will climb on it.

But to make wood safe, you need to dry it for a long time and fumigate. Transportation and work are carried out in the most stringent chemical suits. After a certain time, all toxins will evaporate and you can will do something right.

So, there is a demand for these products, and not only because the tree durable. Some just want to have a thing made from one of the most dangerous trees on the planet.

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