Only once in a lifetime (13 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
9 July 2017

Nature never ceases to amaze, especially when it comes to something that happens once in the life of a living creature created by nature. Today we will talk about plants.

Monocarpic plants are plants that reproduce (bloom or bear fruit) only once during their lifetime. In botany, virtually synonymous terms “monocarpic plants” or monocarpics are also used for monocarpic plants.

Of course, all annual and biennial plants that die after flowering are considered monocarpic, but we will talk about perennials that wait a long time for flowering, sometimes for decades, but still, most often, die after this significant event in their life.

Puya Raymonda

This amazing plant, growing only in Bolivia and Peru, blooms once every 150 years. A beautiful lush ball, which consists of narrow leaves with spines, located on a thick short trunk, for more than a hundred years it gradually rises to a height that exceeds human height, and after that, it blooms and dies.

Udumbara (Youtan Poluo)

This is truly a legendary plant. It is believed that it blooms once every 3000 years, with small flowers (size 1 mm in diameter). And although it does not die after flowering, you can really see its flowers only once in a lifetime

Kadupul flower.

The flower grows only on the islands of Sri Lanka, and blooms only at midnight. Moreover, it dies immediately after flowering. Therefore, the opportunity to see such a rare phenomenon is a miracle even for local aborigines.


Some types of well-known bamboo are given flowers less often than once every 100 years. And like many wonderful, rarely flowering plants, after flowering the plant dies, because during this period it uses up all its energy reserves.

Agave americana

There are about 300 species of this plant in the world. And they all bloom (the flowers are arranged in a huge number (up to 10,000) on a peduncle up to 10 m high) only once in their entire life, after which they die.

Corypha umbellata

Also, the Corypha umbrella palm blooms once in a lifetime. Preparation for this significant event in the plant continues for about 70 years.

Titanium arum

Titanium arum reaches about 1.5 meters in height and is considered one of the rarest and smelliest flowers. The size of the flower reaches 2 meters and blooms once every 16 years; after flowering, the roots of the flower rarely survive.


Aechmea comes from South America, where it was discovered in 1826. Herbaceous epiphytic plants with a shortened stem, bloom once in a lifetime.

In general, all bromeliads, which include Aechmea, bloom once in a lifetime.

Some species of plants from the Crassulaceae family, such as aeonium, also bloom once in a lifetime.


The size of the flower is extremely small - a dozen flowers could easily fit on the point of a pin. Often they wait a lifetime for its flowering, because this event is quite rare.

Madagascar palm (Tahina spectabilis).

This plant reaches enormous sizes, dies after the fruits appear and blooms only once, after 100 years.

Talipot palm

The Talipot palm is the national tree of Sri Lanka, which reaches 25 meters in height and has a one-meter trunk, and its branched inflorescence reaches a size of 6 by 8 meters. The tree blooms only once every 30 to 80 years and will spend all its energy reserves producing golf ball-sized fruits that quickly fall off before the plant dies.

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