79th Air Assault Brigade fighters burned a tank and 5 armored vehicles with occupiers while repelling an attack in the Kurakhovsky direction

17 August 2024
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Soldiers of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the assault of the occupiers in the Kurakhovsky direction, who used 27 units of equipment. This is reported by Censor.NET with a link to the brigade's page.

3 tanks, 23 armored vehicles and 1 buggy went out to the assault. Our soldiers hit a tank and 5 combat armored vehicles with infantry and burned the buggy.

After the first hits and detonations, most of the Russian equipment began an offensive in the opposite direction. But not everyone managed to escape from the battlefield. This is the merit of our artillerymen, attack drone operators, anti-tank gunners, paratroopers in the trenches on the front line.

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