Soldiers of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade repelled one of the largest assaults during the full-scale war in the Kurakhovsky direction

28 July 2024
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Soldiers of the 79th separate airborne assault Tavricheskaya brigade repelled one of the largest Russian assaults during the entire full-scale war in the Kurakhovsky direction. As reported by Censor.NET, the corresponding video was published in the Butusov Plus Telegram channel.

The Russian army simultaneously used 11 tanks, 45 combat armored vehicles with landing troops and 1 combat vehicle for supporting tanks "Terminator". The Russians also attacked on motorcycles - 12 "racers" rode out. The enemy columns advanced for the attack at dawn. The assault began from several directions at once.

Aerial reconnaissance detected Russian equipment far away: our artillery immediately began to work on the occupiers' battle formations. Our operators of strike drones began to stop the first tanks and combat armored vehicles. Then anti-tank gunners entered the battle. A lot of equipment was blown up by mines.

"As a result of the battle, our paratroopers destroyed 6 tanks and 7 armored vehicles with infantry. They burned all 12 motorbikes. The Russians suffered huge losses in manpower: 40 Russians were destroyed, another 37 were wounded," the soldiers reported.

After the first tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed, the rest of the equipment began to flee the battlefield. Our pilots finished off the infantry scattered along the plantings with airdrops.

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