Soldiers of the 68th SEBR repulsed the occupiers' assault on the Pokrovsk direction and destroyed 8 Russian tanks and 8 infantry fighting vehicles

18 June 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers from the 68th Separate Brigade named after Oleksa Dovbush stopped the assault of the invaders in the Pokrovsk direction and destroyed 16 enemy armored vehicles. As Censor.NET reports, the fighters published a video with fragments of the battle with the invaders on their page on the social network.

“The other day, the Wolverines stopped another armored assault group of invaders in the Pokrovsky direction. As a result of the coordinated actions of the soldiers of the 68th separate ranger brigade named after Oleksa Dovbush, in particular, reconnaissance officers, artillerymen, anti-tank crews, attack drone pilots and sappers, 8 Russian tanks were destroyed and 8 more infantry fighting vehicles! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!” says the commentary on the post.

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