Soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade repelled the morning assault of the invaders and destroyed a tank, BMP-2, armored personnel carrier and Russian infantry

30 May 2024
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Soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Brigade "Magura" destroyed a tank, BMP-2, armored personnel carrier and Russian infantry in the Pokrovsk direction. As Censor.NET reports, the fighters published fragments of the successful confrontation with the invaders on their page on social networks.

“The Muscovites started the morning with an assault on the Pokrovsky direction. The Russians limited visibility on the battlefield with a smoke screen. The oncoming sun also interfered with our pilots. In fact, in such conditions it is difficult to concentrate, but nothing is impossible for the Strike Drones Company fighters. As a result, the Russians lost equipment and paid with their miserable lives,” the fighters write in the comments to the video.

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