36 invaders - two hundred, 32 - three hundred, minus 20 enemy armored vehicles, fighters of the 79th Air Assault Brigade are repelling a massive assault by the Russian army

2 August 2024
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The fighters of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade repelled a massive mechanized assault, in which the occupiers used about sixty armored vehicles and infantrymen on buggies and motorcycles. As reported by Censor.NET, the fighters published a video recording of fragments of the battle with the invaders on social networks.

"The army of murderers and rapists for the second time threw 57 armored vehicles into the assault on the positions of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade and again suffered heavy losses. In addition, 10 motorcycles and buggies took part in the assault. Despite the huge amount of enemy equipment, all the enemy's attempts were once again multiplied by zero: during the battle, our soldiers destroyed 12 combat armored vehicles, 8 Russian tanks, 9 motorbikes and buggies. 36 occupiers were destroyed, another 32 were wounded," the commentary to the video says.

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