Massive enemy assault on the positions of the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade in the Staritsa area

5 June 2024
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At least 20 occupiers were liquidated and 8 pieces of equipment were destroyed

In the area of ​​the village of Staritsa in the Kharkov direction, the Russians began a massive assault on the positions of the 42nd separate mechanized brigade. This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the brigade’s press center.

As noted, the coordinated actions of all units of the 42nd Mechanized Brigade destroyed hundreds of tons of equipment and a large number of personnel.

At the moment, the brigade has confirmation regarding enemy losses:

OS: 20-200, 21-300
T62 tank - 3 units destroyed
T62 tank - 1 unit damaged
BMP - 1 unit destroyed
SAU 2S1 - 1 unit destroyed
Road transport - 2 units destroyed.

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