Fighters repelled an assault by invaders near Chasov Yar and captured one Russian

2 August 2024
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Soldiers of the 23rd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the 225th Assault Brigade repelled an assault by the occupiers near Chasov Yar and captured one of the Russian attack aircraft. As reported by Censor.NET, a video recording with fragments of the battle between Ukrainian soldiers and the invaders was published on social networks.

"Such operations are rarely captured. This was a combined attack on the positions of the defenders of Chasov Yar, where the enemy attacked the trenches of the 23rd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the 225th Assault Brigade. From the very beginning of the landing of the occupiers, the pilots of the 225th Assault Brigade and the 23rd Separate Mechanized Brigade actively attacked the enemy infantry and infantry fighting vehicles from armored vehicles. Mortar men and AGS operators entered the battle. The operation was completed by the infantrymen of the 225th Assault Brigade, who captured the "hero" of this video, who is planned to be exchanged for one of our soldiers. This became possible thanks to the cooperation of several units of different brigades," the commentary to the video says.

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