Artillerymen and infantrymen of the 93rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade Kholodny Yar destroy an assault group of invaders near Kleshchievka

3 March 2024
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Artillerymen and infantrymen of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade "Kholodny Yar" destroyed an assault group of two dozen invaders near Kleshchievka in the Bakhmut direction.

As Censor.NET reports, a recording of the effective work of Ukrainian soldiers was published on social networks. The recording shows that almost the entire group was destroyed by artillery strikes. The infantrymen entered the battlefield to mop up.

“Russian suicide bombers launched another assault in the area of the village of Kleshchievka in the Bakhmut direction, and died there. After excellent work with the occupiers’ manpower performed by the artillery of the 93rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade “Kholodny Yar”, the brigade’s infantrymen completed what they started,” the author notes in the commentary publications.
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