Paradetroopers of the 79th Brigade hit an infantry fighting vehicle from a drone, which was filled with enemy ammunition

2 August 2024
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Soldiers of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade have repelled a Russian assault in the Kurakhovsky direction.

As reported by Censor.NET, this time the Russians sent three infantry fighting vehicles with troops under the cover of one tank. As a result, the tank was blown up by a mine, and one of the infantry fighting vehicles, filled with ammunition, was destroyed with the help of an FPV drone. The two surviving infantry fighting vehicles fled the battlefield.

Recall that recently soldiers of the 79th Tavricheskaya Brigade repelled one of the largest Russian assaults during the entire full-scale war in the Kurakhovsky direction. The Russian Army simultaneously used 11 tanks, 45 combat armored vehicles with troops and 1 Terminator tank support combat vehicle. Our paratroopers destroyed 6 tanks and 7 armored vehicles with infantry.

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