If you're sick, lie down on the rails in Jakarta (6 photos)

1 July 2024

In Indonesia, there is an interesting way to treat various pains in the body and bones - you need to go and lie down on the railway tracks. Local residents believe that a weak current flows along the rails, which has a life-giving effect on the body and returns strength to it.

There are also therapists in this matter who indicate how to lie on the rails correctly - in order to swing with your legs and head on two rails. So that “vital energy” circulates and passes through the body. Moreover, a variety of diseases can be treated this way - from arthritis to diabetes, not to mention pain in different limbs.

The man devotes himself entirely to the treatment process, is serious like no one else

Where can you lie down for your health?

A particular section of the route in Jakarta has become popular because the distance between trains is shorter. This means that you have to get up less often, and you are driven less often (and they are driven), and there is less chance of getting hit by a train.

According to an old story in Rawa Buaya, a Chinese man himself lay down on the tracks because he was tired of eking out a miserable existence with paralyzed limbs. But suddenly, when the train started moving, he was able to jump on! Himself, that is, a miraculous healing occurred. But these are all legends.

The poor short girl is hanging straight to be stretched between the rails!

Moreover, rail therapy has become so popular that on certain days there is a whole crowd and a train there. The therapist comes with wealthy clients and gives advice, but mostly makes sure to get everyone out of the way in time.

Where did this come from in their heads?

From poverty, how strange methods of treating diseases in India are born (they like to swallow live fish to treat complex diseases).

Many of them cannot even afford to be examined by a doctor, so they have to find treatment methods through word of mouth.

It infuriates the drivers, it infuriates the officials, but people are stubborn

A visit to a doctor costs about 10 thousand rupees, which, given that there are officially more than 24 million poor in the country, is very high for most residents, and unaffordable for a family with several children. Therefore, children are also placed on the rails when they grow enough to touch two rails at once.

There may be some sense in such treatment, even doctors admit. But only to relieve chronic pain. In particularly sensitive people, electrical current passing through the body can reduce sensitivity to old pain by affecting the nerves.

A very concentrated boy is treated on the rails

But no official studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of rail treatment.

But locals say that the result speaks for itself - they felt better, but they did not find any other way to get relief. More like self-conviction and beliefs, some feel better through meditation or prayer, for example.

In India, people walk on the rails, trade, sit, they can even build a shack!

By the way, there are no accidents or deaths due to rail therapy. Everyone takes off in a very crowded group. Probably the point is that everything happens in Indonesia, not in India.

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