Millionaire burned down his own house worth $1 million to spite his wife (3 photos)

26 June 2024

Francis McGuirk first tried to start a fire using oil and then set fire to the living room cushions using lighter fluid.

50-year-old millionaire Francis McGuirk from Kent (UK), after divorcing his wife Sarah, narrowly avoided prison for arson of a house worth $1 million.

The man told firefighters, who were desperately trying to contain the fire, that he did not want his ex to get his property. Shortly before the arson attack on June 25 last year, he sent Sarah, who was away with her three daughters, a message threatening to “burn the house down.”

Knowing that no one would be home, the millionaire went inside and tried to start a fire with oil, but that didn't work, so he set the living room pillows on fire using lighter fluid.

In one of the voicemails McGuirk sent to his wife describing his actions, he said: "I think I'll throw Dolly (the dog) out the window in a minute, so everything will be fine."

The property was saved thanks to a passerby who saw the smoke and reported it to neighbors, who in turn called 999.

Firefighters extinguished the flames and rescued the dog. Francis suffered minor injuries and was hospitalized with burns and suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.

Millionaire lawyer Danny Moore said in court that the arson was an unsuccessful attempt by the man to commit suicide.

McGuirk was eventually sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £13,555 in damages. In addition, the man must complete 200 hours of community service, undergo psychological rehabilitation, abstain from drinking alcohol for 120 days, and have no contact with Sarah for five years.

"Mr. McGuirk, I make it very clear to you that if you commit any offense within the next two years, you will be returned here and will almost certainly be taken into custody," the judge concluded.

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