One and a half million per book (4 photos)

3 June 2024

When friends and clients read advice from a book for a million dollars, they better listen to them, the buyer of the rarity is sure. His wife finds such purchases somewhat annoying.

The millionaire purchased a rare first edition of Napoleon Hill's The Laws of Success for $1.5 million. He chartered a plane to deliver the purchase home and then placed it in his own private museum of book rarities. The millionaire's wife, having learned about her husband's whim, forbade further precious purchases. About the consequences of spending a significant amount of money on a book.

The man who spent $1.5 million on the rarity is named Russell Brunson. The rarity was purchased on the electronic platform eBay along with other old items worth a total of about $2.2 million. The most precious part of the purchase is the first edition of Napoleon Hill’s “Laws of Success” with his autograph, released in 1925, journalists said. The millionaire's wife, Collette, having learned about this, was unhappy and forbade him to do so.

The 44-year-old called the book the “Holy Grail” and was delighted when he purchased it. The portal published a photograph of the purchase, which consists of 50 volumes in worn dark blue bindings, stored in a special case. Each volume is a new lesson in the “laws of success,” as it says on the cover.

Meanwhile, Collette's wife responded to the purchase with a "roll of her eyes," called it "crazy," and was unenthusiastic, journalists said. She asked her husband not to do such things again - “not to spend so much on a book.” However, he is confident that this will not harm family life.

"She thinks I'm crazy for most of the things I do, but she also trusts me that it won't hurt our family or our finances or anything like that. She jokingly warned me that big purchases stress her out a little bit." Journalists cited Russell's words.

Brunson explained that his entrepreneur friends wouldn't understand if he spent $500 on eBay. It's different when they learn he spent more than $1 million—the lessons will be more valuable if that kind of money was paid for them. The rare edition will now “settle” in his private museum, which he filled with items worth $25 million.

"I love the smell of old books, so I smelled them, opened them and saw his signature inside, it was incredible. I thought, 'I hope in 100 years someone will look at my work the same way I look at this,'" said the businessman.

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