A pod of dolphins helped whales return to their migration route (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
3 November 2023

A drone captured stunning footage in the ocean as a pod of dolphins helped a female humpback whale and her calf return to their migration route. The intelligence of these creatures is sometimes amazing! The video was filmed near Bunbury Back Beach in Western Australia.

The footage was captured by staff at the Dolphin Discovery Center using a drone off the coast of Bunbury Back Beach in Western Australia. A female humpback whale and her calf deviated from their migration route and got lost - when suddenly a pod of dolphins came to their aid. They decided to help the mother and baby return to their migration route. In the video taken by the team, a pair of whales calmly follows the dolphins.

The video was filmed on October 18 - at this time the whales migrate south to their feeding grounds in Antarctica. Beach visitors reported this couple to the rescue center: they suspected something was wrong when they saw whales not far from the shore. In addition, because of the large white spots, it seemed to them that the female whale was an albino. Center employees later denied this.

The center's staff went to check on the lagging whales on a research vessel. The team monitored the animals and used a drone to make sure none of them were harmed. They determined that both whales were healthy. For some reason, they moved away from the migration path and swam close to the shore - but a group of dolphins directed them on the right path.


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