russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 8-10

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
11 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Tehran. Billboard with the new Iranian hypersonic missile Fattah.

Inscription: 400 seconds to Tel Aviv.

- Former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen:

Group of NATO countries is ready to send troops to Ukraine.

If NATO fails to agree on a clear path forward and security guarantees for Ukraine, there is such a possibility.

Poland can be one of such countries.

- German Chancellor Scholz:

We must be prepared for the fact that we will have to help Ukraine for a long time.

- The first photos of the Swedish CV9040 infantry fighting vehicles in Barracuda camouflage handed over to Ukraine.

- Ukrainian tank Leopard 2А4

- Ukrainian forces destroyed the Russian MLRS TOS-1A in Zaporozhye.

- Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in the Zaporozhye region, — The Washington Post.

Ukrainian military in an interview ( said that our soldiers really launched a counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye region, but it is very difficult, there are "continuous difficult battles."

- Real footage of what happened to the Russian tourist

- 22-year-old son of the Minister of Defense of Russia Shoigu.

First Solovyov, now this... Why do all these fighters with geyropy sons look like typical visitors to gay clubs?

- Tanks Leopard-2 for the first time participated in the counteroffensive, — Bild.

This happened today in the course of offensive operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine south of Orekhov. According to ( ) expert Röpke, this indicates the beginning of a large-scale counter-offensive, since Kyiv had not previously involved German tanks in hostilities.

-ATB — This is a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russian channels with millionaires do not stop feeding cotton wool.

- In case of an unsuccessful counteroffensive, they will no longer help Ukraine, — Politico

According to the publication, if the counteroffensive ( turns out to be a failure, then Western assistance may be stopped, and put pressure on Ukraine to agree to peace talks with the Russian Federation.

"The White House is watching the counteroffensive with concern, realizing that Biden's reputation is also at stake."

- Adidas returns to Russia, — WFC.

The opening is planned on November 1, but under a different name. Company ( has signed with Lebanese Daher, which recently relaunched Zara, Bershka and Pull&Bear.

- Zelensky sleeps two hours a day and does not communicate with his family, — Deputy Chief Editor of BILD

«I have never before .bild.html) did not see Zelensky like this, — the journalist writes. — We interviewed him several times after the outbreak of the war. But it has never been so emotional as on Wednesday.

- German tank Leopard 2A6 somewhere in the Zaporozhye direction

- The Japanese Ambassador to Russia was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with "Tokyo's decision to start deliveries of military equipment to Ukraine."

- Putin: The deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus will begin immediately after the completion of the preparation of facilities for them on July 7-8.

- The New York Times:

US spy satellites spotted an explosion at the Kakhovka dam shortly before it collapsed, but US analysts still don't know who caused the dam's collapse or exactly how it happened.

- The White House:

Russia receives from Iran materials needed to build a plant for the production of drones in Russia, which can be "fully commissioned" by the beginning of next year in the Russian special economic zone "Alabuga".

- Ukrainian soldier fires FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS

- A Ukrainian soldier with an Israeli Spike-LR ATGM licensed by Polish MESKO during an exercise in Poland

- The UN considers "too obscure" the reason for the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

The circumstances that led to the destruction of the dam are still too unclear to qualify this incident as a war crime.

Also, Kiev is unhappy that Western ( intelligence agencies services do not confirm the Ukrainian version of the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

- There are two Russians on the account of the shark

- A plant for the manufacture of shaheeds is being built near Moscow, — Ansa

Iran helps Russia build a drone base east of Moscow for the war in Ukraine. This was stated by the White House, according to which the plant should reach full capacity in early 2024.

- Oleg Lyashko died near Artemovsk.

Katsaps and their fakes be like. Wow you bastards...

- For the first time in many years, a pro-Russian political movement has been registered in Poland, — Sykulsky.

According to the Polish political scientist, his movement will "openly, without hiding its head in the sand, seek to establish friendly relations with Poland's largest neighbor, the Russian Federation."

- A full-fledged counteroffensive has not yet begun, — CNN.

The publication, referring ( to the Ukrainian commander, writes that at the moment the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not launched an offensive in the Zaporozhye direction. The actions that are taking place now can be called "reconnaissance in combat" — operations aimed at probing the enemy's defenses for weaknesses.

- Canada will transfer confiscated Russian An-124 Ruslan aircraft to Ukraine.

The aircraft will be handed over as part of a new package of military assistance.

- German Chancellor Scholz says he plans to talk to Putin in the near future.

The last time the dialogue between them was in December last year.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin says that Putin is not yet planning a telephone conversation with Scholz.

- Barely surviving dog does not let go of his savior

- In Yakutsk, plaques with their names and descriptions of merits disappeared from the monument to the exiled Poles and Lithuanians

The head of the Yakut branch of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIIK) Ruslan Vasilyev reported about the disappearance of the boards.

Earlier, there were monuments to the memory of the Poles, victims of exile in the 18th-19th centuries and mass repressions of the 20th century, as well as outstanding researchers of the Yakutsk Territory.

According to him, “The Department for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments is not aware, since this monument is not an object of cultural heritage. The service for the operation of the municipal economy (SGES) is also not involved.

The monument was fenced back in the spring, local residents put forward different versions: from an attempt to get rid of it in the context of the struggle against the West to restoration (although the stones with boards were in an acceptable condition).

- 9 plates of the "Last address" victims of Stalinist repressions disappeared in Khamovniki

According to the "Secret Khamovniki", on Gogol Boulevard, 8/9s1, 9 information signs were removed at once.

Earlier, the signs disappeared on Bolshaya Polyanka, Novokuznetskaya Street and the writer's house in Lavrushinsky Lane.

- Feigin is not for you, he is usually silent, but when he comments, it means a serious matter

- When you are defeated, but not broken! The traffic light in Kyiv was knocked down by the wind, but it continues to work

- Crimean artist Bogdan Ziza, sentenced to 15 years for yellow-blue paint on the wall of the Yevpatoriya City Hall and throwing a Molotov cocktail, began a hunger strike.

Crimean artist Bohdan Zizu, who received 15 years in prison and went on a hunger strike, is being transferred to a punishment cell in a pre-trial detention center in Simferopol. About this "Crimea. Realities" said his sister Alexandra.

“Hunger strike starts today. Since Monday, he has been transferred to an isolated cell, punishment cell. There will be no living conditions — even outlets to heat water. There is one bed there, but during the day it is folded, you can’t go to bed before lights out. If a person sits down, then they beat him, — cites the edition of Alexandra's words.

June 6, the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced an action artist to 15 years in prison — he must spend the first four years in prison, and serve the rest of the term in a colony. The court found Ziza guilty of justifying terrorism (Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code), preparing to commit a terrorist attack (Part 1 of Article 30, Part 1 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code) and vandalism motivated by political hostility (Part 2 of Article 214 of the Criminal Code).

A criminal case was opened after Ziza doused the building of the city administration of Yevpatoriya with blue and yellow paints on the night of May 16. In addition, the publication "Grati" clarifies, he took out a Molotov cocktail, but the wick went out even before the throw. Ziza threw this bottle through the administration window. He lit another bottle and threw it at the wall, the flame flared up several meters high.

On the same day, the artist was detained, and the Krym 24 TV channel posted a video of Ziza's apology. Later, the artist told Crimea.Realities that there were at least five such videos — FSB officers forcedand him to write them down.

“They first made me record one video, which they sent to some of their boss for verification. Then — another, when he replied that somehow I did not repent very sincerely. I deliberately did not show any emotions, so I was beaten again. I'm not a very good actor, and the text was constantly changing. Then I had to apologize to the Russian army, then — before Putin. In the end, even they realized that the latter was already superfluous, », — the artist said.

In his last speech, Bogdan said, in particular, the following: “I acted according to my conscience. I continue to protest even from imprisonment. Fully aware of the possible term of imprisonment, and how it can affect my health and even life. But am I worthy of my life? Is each of us worthy of our carefree life, when we are silent, while innocent people are dying every day?... It is better to be in prison with a clear conscience than to be a silent cattle at large. Bogdan also demanded to take away his Russian citizenship and release political prisoners.

- Come on

- Such an all-terrain vehicle saves people in Kherson. This is "Bogun" — a kind of all-terrain vehicle "Sherp". It can ride on almost any surface, floats and is able to evacuate people.

- Biological threat in the Kherson region: flooding, after the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, washes away cemeteries, carries animal corpses and spreads diseases. "We can explain."

After the breakthrough of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station in the chat rooms of the Kherson region, reports began to appear about the flooding of cemeteries and the corpses of animals in the water. Environmentalists warn of the risk of the spread of cholera and other diseases.

- Flooded cemeteries After the dam burst, the deputy head of the administration of Novaya Kakhovka reported about the flooding of the local cemetery. In addition, at least four more cemeteries downstream were in the flood zone (see map). Locals confirm that there were fresh graves there.

- Animal corpses Several hundred animals died in the zoo in Nova Kakhovka. As the director of the recreation complex, at which the zoo worked, said, a few hours after the breakthrough, "the corpses of animals and parts of buildings" were already floating on the territory.

- Poisoned silt According to environmental experts, silt accumulated at the bottom of the Kakhovka reservoir, which has accumulated industrial pollution and contains heavy metals over the 67 years of the dam's existence, is of particular danger. Some of the silt, according to environmentalists, will fall into the Black Sea, and some may dry up and be blown around by the wind in the form of dust.

- From the disaster zone — to the Black Sea. A large amount of fresh water was thrown into the Black Sea. “That is, this is a huge damage to the Black Sea. When the damage is calculated — it will be billions., — told «MO» Ukrainian, whose relatives live in Kherson.

- The State Emergency Service showed footage of the evacuation of an 84-year-old grandmother from the flood zone in the Kherson region

“Maria Leontievna is 84 years old. A child of the war, who was forced by the Russians to experience this tragedy for the second time. Her daughter asked to save her from the flooded area. By coincidence, she was the teacher of our rescuer from Kherson, who came to evacuate the woman, — wrote the head of department Sergey Kruk.

Photo: Pavel Petrov

- But the Ukrainians do not have the right to spit over the dead Russians, like they live in Egypt, as long as their country dominates genocide after genocide

- Artist MADURA

- During the shelling of Kherson, two volunteers who helped residents of the flooded areas were injured, Alexander Prokudin, head of the Kherson administration, said.

- Killer tik toks did

- RDK fighter Daniil "Puck" Maznik died heroically fighting the Russian Federation on June 3 in Novaya Tavolzhanka. You could see him behind an armored personnel carrier stolen from the Russian Federation. Previously, he served in the Russian army for several years. Probably came from the Rostov region


- The braces did not withstand the foreign…

So it was. Chess word!

- The families of the dead Tyumen mobiles were given tickets to the circus

- Well, if so, then the orcs are doing badly

- Investigator from St. Petersburg called the interview of the victim of torture in the police "an explanation of the faggot"

This became known from the supervisory proceedings in the case of the applicant of the CPT Denis Sirenko, which the lawyers in the prosecutor's office got acquainted with. Verification materials were attached to the document — it was conducted by Anna Emelianenko, an investigator from the investigative department for the Central District of St. Petersburg. Several files were photographed from a computer, and they show that the interrogator called Sirenko's interview "explanation of a faggot."

On September 21, artist Denis Sirenko took part in a protest action on the day of the announcement of partial mobilization. Near Gostiny Dvor he was detained by law enforcement officers. According to Sirenko, they beat him with electric shockers and batons. The man was then taken to the police station, where he slept on the floor. Doctors diagnosed Denis with a double fracture of his left arm and numerous bruises.

In eight months, the investigation in Sirenko's case has not moved forward: investigator Anna Emelianenko in January refused to open a criminal case on his complaint, without even notifying human rights activists about it. The CPT lawyers learned about the refusal only from the responses of the prosecutor's office to our numerous complaints.

Lawyers of the "Team Against Torture" filed an appeal to the Main Investigation Department with a demand to bring investigator Emelianenko to disciplinary responsibility for non-compliance with professional and official ethics.

- "Everything is not so simple. We will not know the whole truth" (c)

- Near Smolensk, unknown people desecrated the memorial at the crash site of the plane with the Polish delegation

Photos on the eve published in «VKontakte» eyewitness. The letters Z are painted on the memorial sign and the cross, and an insult is left on the pedestal near the cross.

In April of this year, former FSB officer Igor Girkin (Strelkov), who was sentenced in absentia by the District Court of The Hague to life imprisonment for downing a Boeing 777 in the sky over the Donetsk region of Ukraine in 2014, proposed to eliminate the memorial at the site of the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski in a response to the seizure by Poland of a school at the Russian Embassy in Warsaw.

And last June, the Ministry of Culture removed the flag of Poland from the international memorial to the victims of political repressions in the Katyn forest. Then the officials explained their decision with a "hostile position"; Polish authorities in relation to Russia because of the invasion of Ukraine.

The crash of the Tu-154M of the Polish Air Force, which occurred on the morning of April 102010, near the Smolensk-Severny airport, claimed the lives of 96 people, including Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. The delegation followed to the mourning events on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre. In the spring of 1940, near the village of Katyn in the Smolensk region, as well as in several prisons and camps of the NKVD, 21,857 Polish citizens were killed (mostly captured officers of the Polish army).

In November 2010, the State Duma recognized that the mass execution of Polish citizens in Katyn was carried out on the direct orders of Stalin and was a crime of the Stalinist regime. In April 2012, the ECtHR classified the Katyn massacre as a war crime.

- "Arrest Putin." In South Africa, a public service announcement was placed calling for the arrest of Putin.

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