This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 31

22 December 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

800 corpses were brought to Buryatia

Buryats complain about the harsh truth about the losses of Russian soldiers and the catastrophic decline in the male population in Buryatia

But a couple of idiots brought toilets from Ukraine. Isn't a toilet better than a living person?

Chmobik from the Leningrad regiment spoke about the “experimentality” of his unit

According to him, they lack training, have problems with transportation and are unclear about their mission in this war.

Also, none of the mobilized people know their legal and legal status.

Never mind, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will sort out the legal status: a visitor to Kobzon’s concert, Ukrainian fertilizer, exchange fund - there are many options

You raised a worthy son. Congratulations! Hold on

Decent support from the authorities for the parents of the dead occupiers, nothing can be said

They suffered for a just cause

The occupier in Ukraine lost an arm and a leg, but still did not understand anything

Behavior of occupying pigs in a Ukrainian home

If they don’t die in Ukraine, they will return and create the same chaos in their huts. Wait!

There are no losses, but tears are flowing

Look at these comrades and their relatives, who really wanted to “liberate” the Ukrainian land and die for Putin’s 70-year-old grandfather...

Wagner returned home

Mobs live in the trenches

The Moscow region “asvabatites” are whining to their relatives about the conditions in the unit near Bryansk. Since mobilization, soldiers have been living in abandoned sheds without adequate conditions.

“After mobilization, they lived in a drying room for a month. 30 people were brought there, they slept on the floor. There they underwent training. Then they were sent to the Bryansk region. At first they lived in some abandoned houses, sleeping three people on one bed,” she said relative of the conscript.

These idiots have no heating, no rations, nowhere to swim (they will die from sanitation before reaching the front). Putin, maybe you can call for another million? Soon they will fight with spears and stones, and live in trees...

Our fighters showed what the cycle of chmobiks looks like in Bakhmut

One is carried forward with his feet, while three of them go in with their own. But this can be fixed.

Songs on the last journey for chmobiks

Sverdlovsk singers and karaoke were brought to the front for the invaders.

The military is dancing dashingly to “Music has bound us.” The idea arose from the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region to support the “fighting spirit” of the military.

Something tells me that the occupiers would be much more happy about girls from Moscow brothels

Russian special forces are training their Belarusian colleagues to fight NATO

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