A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 131

17 January 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade is already training on the new Bradleys


Bakhmut, mortar attacks

Military cut

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Lancet kamikaze drone

Somewhere in the Lugansk region a brand new Russian T-90M “Proryv-3” with “Cape” thermal camouflage is burning

Cost about 1.2 million dollars. A Swedish-made AT4 was reportedly used (unit cost US$1,480).

Jaga-jaga or shelling an orc nest with voice-over commentary. January 15

The SBU kamikaze drone discovered a BMP-3 that had stopped in a field because several occupiers wanted to have a smoke.

Friend pulls friend out

Riding under fire

And again accurately and beautifully

When the Russians lost their radio


Minus one enemy infantry fighting vehicle

Don't sleep

Never stand behind the barrel of a grenade launcher, although I allow orcs

Another one who wasn't taught how to remove a pin.

New tactics if you see an orc drone

Bob Marley's new squad goes into battle against the orcs

Night forays with drones

You can't escape from well-aimed artillerymen

Excellent hit from a drone on Russian equipment

Hunting for orcs in the forests of Bakhmut

The orc hunt is going according to plan.

Hitting orcs wandering around the territory of Ukraine

The 36th separate marine brigade named after Rear Admiral Mikhail Bilinsky pushed the Russian carcass towards Avdeevka

The orcs' pier which was the last in their lives

The occupiers’ walk on the outskirts of Bakhmut didn’t go well

Probed with MLRS Bureviy

Sounds just like an anthem

The 59th brigade is working

The situation in Bakhmut

Soledar holds on

The border guards showed how they attacked the enemy infantry on the defense line.

We shoot at the orc pits

Meanwhile, the situation in Soledar

Our people say hello

Ukrainian with Wagnerian stripes

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