This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 33

29 December 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

In the Voronezh region, a volunteer went to a cafe with a grenade in his pocket

As a result of a conflict with another supermind, he tore off the pin

The second army in the world is definitely the first in mental abilities

Mobik just goes against the escalator. Or is it like, "Ruzz don't give up?"

He probably changed his mind and runs back into the house.

The caring wife of an occupier gave her husband a vagina as a gift to the front

What you need from shelling. The main thing is that it is sacred

The commander raises chmobiks

Beating people like dogs is all that the Russian command of the “second army” is capable of

The mobilized ones I saw just need to be beaten with a stick and everything will be fine

Russian military correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky proposes to fight desertion in this way.

Well, well, make sure that your degenerate’s head isn’t beaten off with a stick by your own mobs...

We realized everything. We repent

The mobs who destroyed Novosibirsk optics apologized.

Not the first and not the last case of the results of the fact that anyone is taken into the army

After the lamentable appeals of the Wagnerites, Prigozhin decided to come and show - “it will be a problem”

And who showed up on the front line?

A prosthesis instead of a regular hand - nothing but advantages

Russian grandmother calls for Caucasians to be sent from markets to the front because “killing is in their blood”

“We are simple people, we are not to blame for anything...”

The TV channel “Current Time” talks about Elena Popova and the Movement of Conscious Objectors to Military Service in the Russian Federation

They help conscripts obtain permission to perform alternative civilian service and teach how to exercise the constitutional right “not to shoot people.”

Meanwhile, somewhere in the vastness of Russia everything is stable

A naked warrior yells: “I serve Russia” and jumps on a police car while law enforcement officers try to subdue him.

Either the salt party was not a success, or the mushrooms were expired

I want to go to Ukraine and become the 200th

“For the 200th person they give 5 million, the family can buy a shitty apartment on the outskirts of Moscow,” a man shared his business plan with a taxi driver

Mom’s businessman, everything goes into the family, everything goes into the family...

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