What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 149

3 April 2023

It's time for more questions from people who have encountered incomprehensible finds and answers from all-knowing Internet experts.

It's hard not to be surprised at what the "collective mind" is capable of, which eventually generates new knowledge. If you like to guess and learn something new, then now your brain will be pleased.

Question: "Primitive structure from the inland coast of North Carolina"

Answer: "It's a duck-hunting ambush."

Off the coast of North Carolina there is an almost continuous strip of islands, forming a kind of bay. This structure was seen along the inner coasts.


Question: "A small oval golden thing with two buttons. Nothing happens when pressed. One button has the letter "M" or "W". Lightweight, plastic. There is a battery cover on the back. The size of a matchbox

Answer: "This is a control panel for a device for women's love pleasures."

Photo by: «Thank you all for your comments. I get a lot of replies that it's for fun, but I found the remote in my husband's glove compartment and I don't think he uses anything like that lol.

To which one of the users replied to the author: “It's definitely for this, maybe he's just using the remote, and someone else is using the device. I'm sorry»

Question: “The recess on my school desk. It is on all types of such tables. The size of a ping-pong ball

Answer: "This is a recess for the finger, so that it is more convenient to move the tabletop to another position, since the design of the desk allows this"

Question: "Found on the playground. A spiral with balls at the ends, standing on two poles, the whole structure is metal. What is it?

Answer: “This is a space bike. And a flying horse. And a death ray gun. And an ice cream machine. And a giant earring. And a hover train. And a device for playing hoopball.

This design is called Spirallo, and its purpose is to develop imagination in children. Spirallo doesn't have a specific function and kids can play with it however they want.

Question: "Found in a drawer with kitchen utensils in a thrift store. Any idea what this strangely attractive item is for?

Answer: "This is a vintage soap bar used by housewives before the invention of liquid dishwashing detergents."

A bar of soap was placed inside this cage, after which it was either placed under a stream of hot water, or taken in a sink with water already drawn in order to obtain a soapy solution for washing dishes. Most often, housewives reportedly put remnants of soap inside, which allowed the bar of soap to be fully used.


Question: «What is it? I have no idea where I got this from. I don't have the slightest idea what it could be. Consists of two metal rods covered with yellow plastic with rubber caps on the ends. HELP!"

Answer: “This is a stand for working with boards and other building materials. You will need a second one.

Question: “In a trendy hotel there is a shallow bath divided into two parts. When the button is pressed, one side lights up red and hot water flows for about 30 seconds. Then the other side lights up blue and starts to fill with cold water for about the same time.

g src="https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2646/1705_files/971c338808e201500705dcea055b2a7b.jpg">

Answer: "It's very common in Germany, we call it Wechselbad. First you need to lower your legs into hot water, and then quickly lower them into cold water (repeat several times). This should improve blood circulation, although I'm not sure if there is any scientific evidence for this.

Question: "What are those holes next to the roof of this old house?"

Answer: "It's a dovecote"

The holes are intended for nests, and the ledge in front of them is for rest

Question: "Can anyone help identify these Disney icons? They look so simple and incomprehensible that I have no idea why they exist. They don't snap into holes in the table top, it's just a table.

Answer: "These are the little charcoal buttons from the front of Olaf's costume from Frozen."

Question: "What is this thing? Metallic and rather heavy, about 30 cm long.

Answer: “This is an antique hand mirror. The relief pattern resembles Greek or Roman. For use, the smooth side must be polished to a high gloss. Possibly made of bronze.

Question: “Flat metal pieces in three sizes with hooks on one side. Most likely stainless steel. Found in a kitchen drawer

Answer: “This is for stuffed poultry. You stuff the bird, and then close the hole with these plates. With hooks, the plate clings to the skin of the bird, which holds the plate in place.

Question: "An unknown piece of furniture with a faucet and a hand pump. The upper part with handle and faucet is not connected to the lower cabinet.

Answer: "It's a cider pump"

This machine was used to serve cider from a container located at the bottom, but it seems that someone removed the mechanism from there and replaced it with a shelf.


Question: “Several of these things are the size of a parking space on the road near my house. Barriers and other cones are placed in such a way that drivers cannot drive on them, and the upper part seems to be rubber, and consists of several parts connected together. Thank you!

Answer: "These are settings to make traffic quieter"

Such prefabricated mats made of dense rubber are installed along the road from different sides, narrowing the carriageway, forcing drivers to slow down and go around them. A kind of alternative to artificial bumps, which in Russia are commonly called "speed bumps".


Question: "What is this strange network of cables and weights on the building?"

Answer: “This is a cable system for a living wall. Weights below keep the cables taut.

Apparently, the so-called living wall on this building is only at the very beginning of its creation.


Question: "The strange dusty patterns that keep appearing on the mosquito net on the windows of my apartment"

Answer: “The previous tenant smoked in the direction of the fan, which blew smoke out the window. I have come across this so many times when renting apartments for work. This pattern will returnuntil you remove and thoroughly wash the whole mosquito net in a bath of soap.

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