What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 137

14 November 2022

Have you picked up a foreign object and do not know what it is for? Don't worry, the Internet will take care of helping you. In this compilation, online users solve the most difficult riddles, better than any encyclopedia. Take a look!

If you pull the ring, four spikes come out. What it is?

Anti-theft device for pocket watches

I saw strange things on the girl's fingers. What is this for?

Oval splints for fingers, for the treatment of arthritis and other joint diseases

Saw this rusty thing while walking in the forest

This is an underwater mine.

Saw at a neighbor's dacha. What is this tool used for?

This tool is used to clean the hooves of horses.

I saw in the dental clinic

Old dental drill.

Caught my eye in one of the bars

Pachinko machine, Japanese gambling game.

Found on the territory of the university

This is a vacuum chamber used for materials science research.

What is it? Found in an old house

Native American Indians had a custom - "burying the hatchet" During peaceful meetings, they smoked the "pipe of peace", which looked like a hatchet, and then symbolically buried it.

Ceramic jug with holes inside

This is a vase for flowers, helping to keep them in the right position

This pillar suddenly appeared in a local park, does anyone know what it is?

Video surveillance system used to detect people, objects, including in the dark.

Cast-iron figurine, from above it looks like a chisel, but not sharp

This is a broken bottle opener.

Found this in the parking lot. Six handles at the bottom and top, they can be fixed in the “4” using a pin. What is this thing?

Ford door lock decoding tool.

Can someone tell me what this thing is?

Stand for plants.

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