What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 142

22 January 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

Made of wood, about 1 m. Metal hoop in the middle and metal at the ends

This is a forming cone for felt to make hats. Felt is wrapped around this cone, cut in half (just around the metal rim), then hats are made from it.

"I bought an old house and found this in a closet that hadn't been opened since the 1960s. Any idea what it is?"

It looks like a nose with a beard from a joke shop. (need to turn it over)

Some kind of bag made of metal, and inside a cage, as well as holes for air

This is an old portable heating pad.

What are these wooden sticks in a cafe in Florence?

Holders for newspapers. They have a slot in the middle where newspapers are inserted.

This thing has a long handle, like a shovel, but at the end something like a basket

It's definitely a tool for picking fruit.

What are those little white boxes at the base of the hotel bed?

Most likely, they attach a cover for the bed there.

These things are about 15 cm long and are made of not very hard plastic. What are they for?

This is a spatula for opening cases of electronic devices.

What is the red tip for?

I think, to open old cans, where you just had to press on top. This tip helps prevent cuts.

Small funnel, 4 cm, inside another funnel with screw cap

This is an attachment for a baby feeding machine. Either a bag with a mixture or a syringe can be connected to it.

What are those buttons on the floor under the sink in the university bathroom? Nothing happens when you click on them.

This is a crane control pedal — now they have been replaced by sensors. This is a real valve, and by the way, more reliable than a sensor, but more expensive.

Found this thing at the bottom of the box. Weighs approximately 1 g, 3 cm long, made of hard transparent plastic. What's this?

This is a drinker for hamsters.

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