What a thing: the strangest finds. Part 134

27 October 2022

Some strange pot. It has a flat bottom and one side and even has a stopper.

This is a ceramic heating pad to heat the bed.

Found this bag of liquid in my hotel room. Just what is it?

This bag absorbs moisture. So the clothes stay dry during storage.

My wife found this thing at a flea market. But we have no idea what it's for.

This is a new age energy crystal. The central crystal is taken from a table lamp, and the rest — These are details of different candlesticks.

What is this gray box for? Met them in Iceland in parks and nature reserves.

This is an automatic counter of pedestrians. This is how visitors are counted in parks.

What is this red steel ball? It glows inside.

A few details are missing here, but this is a light for surgeons.

Found this wooden peg in a beach house. It is numbered, and there is some kind of float on top.

These are the locations of crab and lobster traps so that they can be found.

What's the big glass thing? She is about a meter tall.

This is a mercury rectifier. Used to turn alternating current into direct current.

I found this silver hook with a mysterious purpose.

Women used to use it to fasten tiny buttons on their shoes.

What is this natural phenomenon I discovered today in the forest?

This is a "frosty flower". Due to the cold, moisture from plants seeps out and freezes, taking on such forms.

What is it for? I found this chair at a flea market. He has a belt to buckle up.

This is a special chair for babies. Helps to teach the child to the correct sitting posture.

I bought a whole container full of such „balls“ in the form of Mickey Mouse. They are filled with something fragrant.

These are bath oil balls.

What are these strange barriers in front of the doors? We met many of these in Mallorca.

Without such barriers, rain will get inside the building in windy weather. We also have such shutters in Croatia.

What are those red plastic tubes? They have something white and fibrous inside.

The next time you start cleaning, add one of these to your vacuum bag. After that, the whole house will be fragrant.

What is this thing? It looks like a ring.

This is a special device for pressing buttons.

What are these strange „doors“ that I saw outside houses in the UK?

This is a shoe scraper. To wipe the dirt off her before entering the house. They are quite common.

On both sides of the sofa put forward such things with holes. What's this?

This is a pull-out table. There should be one more detail — tray with pins that exactly fit the holes. Then the tray stands firmly. And if it is not needed, it is removed.

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