What a thing: the strangest finds 132

20 October 2022

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

Well, it's time for a new series of our irregular column "Explain to me what this thing is?" The rules of the game are already, perhaps, all know very well. Therefore, we immediately invite everyone to the post and wish interesting viewing.

What is this thing?

This is a propane-butane lighter with a bottle opener.

Here's how it works

What is this hammer?

This is a special hammer for builders, it helps to cut stones during construction.

Here's how it works

And what kind of hurdy-gurdy is this?

This is a cheese grinder. Google says it was created by an Italian master Davide Piazza in 1989 for a set of pear wood jigs for kitchen.

Given as a housewarming gift. Part marble, part wood. And the spoon is tied. What's this?

This is just a tabletop salt and pepper shaker that is used in meal time. The spoon, of course, must be untied, but, in fact, it’s just pour a little salt and pepper and let it stand flaunts. Keep, of course neither salt nor pepper is possible. On the other hand, during feasts why people a lot of pepper and salt? Fits a little.

What is this over my fireplace in my new house? If I light it, won't smoke come into the house?

This is a fireplace "fan", it is not connected to the fireplace itself. essence work - cold air is sucked in through special holes at the bottom, heated above the fireplace and exits from above, additionally heating apartment.

Here's how it works

Found this at work, what is it? Whole glass.

This is a plunger from a glass syringe.

What's this? Stick sized.

This is a scoop for finding rocks or minerals on the beach. So often look for agate.

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