russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 22-23

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
24 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Gavrilov:

Ukraine can drive all this Black Sea Fleet closer to Tuapse, Novorossiysk and prevent them from moving in the Crimean zone.

These possibilities are not limited to systems like "Neptune"; — there are others.

- WaPo:

Ukraine has become the most mined country in the world.

The contaminated territory of Ukraine is so large that, according to some experts, humanitarian demining, carried out by about 500 demining teams in the current operation, will take 757 years.

- Rostislav Zhuravlev, a Russian military correspondent for the state news agency RIA Novosti, died today as a result of a cluster submunition explosion; 4 more correspondents were also wounded.

In Bakhmut, Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Boroday was also injured during a Ukrainian strike.

- Minister of Defense of Poland Blaszczak:

Repair center in Gliwice started its work.

The first two Leopard 2 tanks have already arrived from Ukraine at the Bumar plant.

- Oryx:

Great Britain handed over to Ukraine several dozen Wolfram mobile ground platforms for Brimstone anti-tank missiles.

Earlier, these missiles were adapted for launch from trucks.

- Last night the Russian army launched several missiles at Odessa.

The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Odessa also suffered, the building received significant damage.

- WaPo:

At present, the US is "firmly committed not to send long-range missiles to Ukraine," referring to ATACMS missiles.

The Pentagon is confident that Kiev has other, more pressing needs than ATACMS, and fears that sending enough ATACMS to Ukraine to make a difference on the battlefield would seriously undermine US readiness for other possible conflicts.

- Egor Cherniev, People's Deputy of Ukraine:

Ukraine has developed its own medium-range air defense systems.

This is certainly not an analogue of the Patriot, SAMP-T or IRIS-T.

Closer to HAWK or medium range systems. They are of Ukrainian production and Ukrainian design.

- War in Ukraine: Russian strikes on Odessa damaged the Orthodox Cathedral

Oleg Kiper, Governor of the Oblast, said that 14 people, including four children, were hospitalized as a result of the explosions.

The destruction is huge; half of the cathedral was left without a roof, and the central piles and foundations were destroyed.

The building is the largest Orthodox church in Odessa and was consecrated in 1809. It was demolished by the Soviet Union in 1939 and then rebuilt in 2003.

The UN cultural agency, UNESCO, has repeatedly called on Russia to stop attacks on Odessa.

Earlier this year, the historic center of the city was listed by the organization as a World Heritage in Danger, despite opposition from Russia.

- Lukashenka to Putin:

Maybe I shouldn't have said this, but I will.

The Wagnerites began to strain us: “I want to go to the West. Let's."

I say, why do you need to go to the West?

"Well, go on an excursion to Warsaw, to Rzeszow."

The transfer of Ukrainian lands to Poland is unacceptable, if Western Ukraine asks for help, we will provide it.

- Satellite image of the Oktyabrskoye air base in Crimea after the Ukrainian strike on July 22.

- The South African authorities refused French President Emmanuel Macron an invitation to the BRICS summit.

- US Secretary of State Blinken:

Ukraine regained half of the territory occupied by Russia.

The counteroffensive is just beginning. It's hard.

It won't end in the next week or two. I think it's about a few months.

- Ukrainian military intelligence (HUR):

Russia has modernized Kh-22 and Oniks missiles and is preparing for new attacks on energy facilities.

X-22 missiles actually became Kh-32.

- Ukrainian unmanned ground kamikaze with anti-personnel mine MON-200.

- Zherebyanky, a village in the Zaporozhye region, where fighting has been going on for two months.

Russian sources claim that at the beginning of July, during the strongest artillery attacks, from 500 to 1000 shells were used per day.

- Destroyed Russian counter-battery radar 1L261 "Zoo-1M"

- Ukrainians began to massively open their business abroad

Every month, citizens ( of Ukraine register more than 2 thousand companies in Poland.

- Did you miss big corruption records?

Three kilometers of road in Krivoy Rog for a total of 832 million hryvnia.

The cost of one kilometer is 277 million hryvnias, before the start of the war the cost of one kilometer of the road was 20 million hryvnias.

Total, they take more than 700 million UAH into their pockets.

- Delivery for you: yesterday a children's coffin was brought to Orban's house

▪️It says "The Future of Hungarian Youth". The rally was held by activist Zoltan Keresteni, dissatisfied with the policy of the Prime Minister of Hungary

- A list of 200 and 300 occupiers was found in the phone of one of the asvabadites who went to Kobzon

This is the military of one of the battalions of the 247th airborne parachute regiment

- State Duma deputy Borodai came under fire from a tank near Bakhmut

▪️This is a terrorist who led the Donetsk militants, and a close associate of Girkin

- And who are the barbarians of the 21st century now?

- Preliminarily, 25 architectural monuments were damaged by Russian terrorists overnight in Odessa

Among them are buildings of the XIX-XX centuries:

House of Chizhevich

Papudova's House

Zabludovsky's House

Gagarin's House

House Janusz

House Zhdanova

House Russell del Turco

House Massa

Manuk-Bey Mansion

House Kovalevsky

Porro House

Mashevsky House and others

“The Russians deliberately aimed their rockets at the historical center of Odessa, which is under the protection of UNESCO! Everything that was created by exhausted labor by great architects is now being destroyed by cynical fiends! – said the head of the OVA Oleg Kiper.

Information as of 14:00. Documentation of terrorist crimes continues, experts are working on the ground.

Photo: Konstantin Liberov

- Escape

- Inside the House of Scientists, Odessa

House of scientists — public institution in Odessa, occupying historical buildings on Sabaneev Most street at numbers 4 and 6.

Photo: tg-channel "Odessa as it is"

- Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Odessa before Russian shelling/after shelling

- Propaganda in your own spirit

- Moscow through the prism of Ukrainian bombed-out cities

- Russia used at least five types of missiles for the next attack on Odessa: "Caliber", "Onyx", Kh-22 and Iskander-K, as well as ballistic Iskander-M, reported in OK "South"

Air defense forces destroyed a significant part of the missiles, the rest hit the port infrastructure, at least six residential buildings, including apartment buildings. As of 05:25, one person is known to have died. Another 19 people were injured, including 4 children. Dozens of cars were damaged, facades and roofs were damaged in many buildings of the city, windows were broken.

Two monuments of architecture suffered. There are several funnels in the city, there are power outages.

Photo: OK "South", Odeska OVA.

- Ordinary Russian history or why barbarians are not translated in Russia

Victims of the NKVD, the city of Drogobych, Lviv region. Shot skulls of children. Remains found in July 1991

- Russian Federation and Ukrainian passport

If you decide to get from ORDLO to the territory of the Russian Federation or go somewhere outside the Russian Federation with a Ukrainian passport, you will be required to fill out such a form, not bad, sho

- There are no such words for this anger and hatred

I wish Tatyana's city to become a "new territory"

- Creativity from artists

- Dead soldiers who did not understand what they fought for returned to Russia.

- Why do some Russians look (in this case — looked) at 40 at all 60?

- Our Heroes

- Russian tennis player Vera Zvonareva was not allowed into Poland for the WTA tournament in Warsaw

According to the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zvonareva tried to enter on a French visa. The agency clarified that the Russian woman was included in the list of persons whose stay on the territory of Poland is undesirable, and the border guards did not allow her for reasons of security and public order.

The tournament in Warsaw takes place from 24 to 30 July. Zvonareva was the only Russian tennis player declared in the main draw

- An immersive story, so to speak.

and where is his report on the sensations of cluster munitions?

- The Russian Ambassador will be summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry because of the words of President Vladimir Putin, who called part of the country's land "a gift from Stalin." This was announced by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. He emphasized that Stalin was guilty of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Poles.

- Lukashenka returned serfdom to Belarus. Prohibiting resignation from state farms and collective farms “Not a single specialist, not a single leader can quit without the decision of the district executive committee. The same — not a single machine operator, milkmaid can take a step left or right.

- Place your bets!

- A short life is declared for the leaders of the occupied territories, - British scientists :)

- Russia, under savage slogans, as always moves forward (drawing by Buryat Danzig Baldaev, 1925-2005)

- This barbie is a war criminal

- Russians, how are things with you? Have you already downloaded the entire Wiki?

- Stockholm Syndrome Club

- Canada has imposed sanctions against the "big four" Russian mobile operators

- Yigal Levin on the advancement of Russian troops

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