Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 7

21 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

And in Crimea, the Russians are building fortifications under the leadership of Goblin Aksenov

And now no jokes

The purpose of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is to seize Ukrainian lands, including Kyiv, and destroy Ukrainian identity. The propagandists themselves talk about this.

One manual for all of Russia.

Gauleiter Balicki decided to cosplay as Spermousov. True, not in everything yet

Let's help the propagandist decide on the next guest in the studio

Personally, we are for Putin

When I received the summons

Lukashenko said that he drove a tractor at 280 km/h

And I was even able to determine this, since the maximum mark on the speedometer is 60 km.


Lukashenko thanked God for leaving McDonald's

“I hope that Belarusians themselves will be able to cut a bun in half and stuff a piece of meat, potatoes and salad into these two halves to replace the poppy seed” - more nonsense

Everything is stable in Russia. Fragment bearers do not recognize the elections that took place in the United States

No, this is not curable even in Australia

New level of propaganda

The words “peace” and “war” in the song of the group “Guests from the Future” were drowned out on Muz-TV. The cover was performed by singer Zivert, and the song itself was written in 2004.

Oh, who's brave here?

The unfinished occupier decided to talk about the power of the Russian Federation and the superiority in the number of men over the population of Ukraine, well:

Firstly, there are no longer 66 million men in Russia, but minus 80,000 (+ this idiot counted with children, old people and disabled people)

Secondly, if all your 66 million come, then Ukraine will get tired of annual harvests (thanks for the fertilizer, by the way)

Thirdly, my dear, don’t forget how recently you fled from Kherson with a crap expression on your face and said that you would soon lose Crimea (and it’s true, you just have to wait). Video attached. By the way, why did you delete it, fool?

We are waiting for your next tantrum!

From “I love Putin” to “Putin is a pawn” in two and a half minutes

Another crazy thing from Russia Media about the Ukrainian army

Bulbaland border guards complain that the Ukrainian side is building a wall on the border in the Volyn region

A priest from the UOC-MP in Polesie accuses SBU officers of “mortal sins” and calls the war with erefiya a “quarrel”

I'd like to hit him with a censer once

Prepare yourself a bag, occupier

Solovyov’s propagandists were surprised that the list of equipment for Russian mobs included black bags.

Why be surprised? Multi-move

Propagandists boast that they are hitting Ukraine

Just listen

— Why use tactical nuclear weapons when you can use strategic nuclear weapons?

— I just don’t understand why apply something in Kyiv or Lvov if there is Washington, London, Warsaw?

And these are supposedly “smart” people in Russia.

Russians must undergo military training courses from childhood

This is exactly what actress Olga Budina thinks: “The mother’s task today is to do everything possible to prepare her child. Tell your child to go and learn to shoot, overcome obstacles, and be physically resilient.”

She is ready to send her son to war without any problems if he receives a summons.

The medal “mother of the year” is given to Budina

The world is harmful to Ruzka’s health

Madame from Kupyansk, who praised the occupiers in an interview and “changed her shoes” after the de-occupation, faces 8 years behind bars. The prosecutor's office took on the 35-year-old local resident.

In Ukraine, they require you to write in Ukrainian. Yeah

With this approach, there simply won’t be a new generation of chumps in Russia

If a woman wants to give birth, she will give birth. Nothing unusual, just a description of methods to combat infertility from the Minister of Health of Egypt.

Soloviev slams a commentator who wrote that the country is in “a complete mess”

So this is where the attack was being prepared from

The Border Committee of Belarus claims that the Ukrainian-Belarusian border was violated by a Ukrainian armed serviceman. The Civil Procedure Code informed that “while on Belarusian territory, the Ukrainian serviceman took photographs and videos of the area, and also searched for or installed something in the snow.”

Now let him support his Kherson in his swamps. Deported by the police back to their homeland

This is God's miracle

The icon became myrrh in the hands of the occupier!!!

P.S. What, is he immortal now?

P.P.S. Is this even treatable?

This is just Arkhangelsk in Russia and no one bombed it

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