A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Part 103

5 November 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

93 Separate mechanized brigade Kholodny Yar shoots at orc positions and sees how many corpses remain

HIMARS are busy with high-quality roasting of Russian positions

But there is no need to shoot at our positions

Time passes - nothing changes

A Ukrainian soldier showed what an occupier's first aid kit looks like (did dinosaurs use these tourniquets?)

Captured equipment of the invaders in the Kherson region

A short guide for Russians called Why you shouldn’t put mines in one place

Fox steals Kalash from a dead orc

Flew 60 meters from the tank or a well-aimed hit

Apparently, the orcs who were running away decided to go back to move the tank’s turret and let the driver, who was stuck, get out, but before he could get out, he learned what it was like to fly 60 meters ahead of the tank in an emergency.

Another unsuccessful attack of the orcs, south of Vodyanoye


War opponents are burning Russian Railways switchboards and electrical substations to hamper Russian logistics

The rashist drying was given a little light

Track repair

Russian T-80BV tank was ambushed and destroyed

Came from a drone

Shooting down of a missile by Ukrainian forces with a 9k33 Osa anti-aircraft system

Just look at this epic explosion

Yesterday, near Snigirevka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 6 tanks with Russian fuel

The captured T-90 is in service with the Ukrainian army

The Russians have a corpse truck

Ukrainian landing boat Yuriy Olefirenko fires from the onboard WM-18 MLRS at Orc ground positions

Kharkov region, gifts for orcs

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