A selection of videos of missile attacks and shelling in Ukraine. Issue 42

30 September 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Things are not calm in Belgorod again

In the Zaporozhye region, Russians fired at a humanitarian convoy of civilians

The head of the Zaporozhye OVA Starukh reports 23 dead and 28 wounded. Details are being confirmed.

Looks like an explosion on a gas pipeline near Kherson, we need to clarify

Moments of hellish arrivals in Zaporozhye

Nikolaev. The “Russian world” brings only death and suffering

The moment of today's arrival in Nikolaev. The orcs bombarded the city with cluster munitions. There are dead. UPD. Three people were killed and 12 were injured.

Rashists attacked a residential residential area of Nikolaev with 2 missiles

“There were 7 explosions in total (at least 2 outside the city). 1 rocket hit the 9th floor, serious damage, people under the rubble.”

The Russians fired at Nikolaev again

Previously, 16 missiles were fired at Zaporozhye using the S-300 air defense system

Adviser to the head of the OP Kirill Timoshenko reported. Four missile strikes were carried out in the area of the car market, as well as on a concentration point for vehicles and citizens.

The blunt-nosed Russians are shelling the Dnieper. The sounds of explosions were recorded by locals

More than 100 buses burned in Dnieper, - city mayor Boris Filatov ?? “It's PPC. Tomorrow we will get to work late.” update As a result of the night shelling, one person was killed and five more were wounded. Dnepr Mayor Boris Filatov says that after the Iskander strike, more than a hundred buses of the local ATP were disabled. Governor Valentin Reznichenko reports that more than 50 buses were destroyed and 98 were damaged.

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