A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 77

5 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Limansky district, road 300 tm-62

Malaya Alexandrovka

Minus UAV Orlan-10

They covered z-nazi with a mortar

The offensive continues

Novovoskresensk. Kherson region


The orcs will regroup once again. Good evening, I’m Mikhei, I’ll tell you how we left Drobyshevo

Novopetrovka in the Kherson region is Ukraine

Liberating the Kharkov region from orcs

Oh, and away we go! Davydov Brod, Kherson region, liberated

On the way to the next village with orcs

The orc was lucky, the grenade launched from the drone did not explode, but almost hit his head

Colonel Pavel Fedosenko (commander of the 92nd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces) conducts a test drive on a captured Russian T-90A tank

Works on the go

A broken Russian column fleeing from Liman


Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers clear a Russian trench

Staroselye, hello

Ours continue to pile up Rusne in the Kherson direction! .com.ua/v/25/559/thumbs/559111-starosele-privet-bs.jpg]

Terny and Yampol. Donetsk region

Trophy T62 project Mangal

He ran away so much that he turned over

The Ukrainian 59th Rifle Brigade attacked Kadyrov's men and armored vehicles in the Kherson region

Ukrainian artillery at work

Ukrainian artillery strikes at the orcs hiding on the opposite side of the embankment. Bakhmut district

Ukrainian forces strike a Russian infantry fighting vehicle, likely with a German SMArt 155 artillery shell

Ukrainian fighting wolf

Morning Action

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