Amazingly rare things that are extremely difficult to find in life (18 photos)

Yesterday, 09:09

Something unexpected can be noticed in the most ordinary things.

Guys, it seems like we're in the Matrix! These kitties give me goosebumps...

You say that this is the only way you find a four-leaf clover? Have you ever seen one like this?

An omelet from one egg. In cramped quarters, but not offended! By the way, such an egg occurs only once in 25 million pieces!

What happens if the frost forges a web? And here's what

Albino peacock. Brain rupture

After the peacock, the albino squirrel is not so shocking

It seems that the chicken decided to seriously surprise its owner by forming an unusual egg

And again a little miracle! The elastic band curled up by itself

You drink a drink, admiring how the top of Fuji rises from below

If there is a defect at the factory, the most ordinary thing can strike fork

It turns out that in prim London there are rebels - pink pigeons

On the back of the dog's head, nature has drawn a silhouette resembling the dog itself!

A small miracle from an ordinary cable - it folded itself so bizarrely

A very strong knife! If anything, they cut a cake with it. And it split in two!

Neighbors decorated the yard for the New Year, and the decorations attracted… wild horses

In Iraq, you can buy toothpaste with the taste of your favorite bars

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